Open House Memorial to Celebrate the Life of Dennis Tierney
On May 18, 2019, my family hosted an open house to celebrate the life of my father, Dennis Tierney, who died on January 8, 2019. His obituary may be found here.
Janesville High School senior photo, 1959
UWSP, 1970’s
As a baby, 1943 (I/II)
As a baby, 1943 (II/II)
As a child
Fishing as a boy (I/II)
Fishing as a boy (II/II)
The Tierneys, 1950’s
As a student at the University of Hawaii, 1964
With Lani and Bob Fish, 1966
Wedding day, 1966 (I/II)
Wedding day, 1966 (II/II)
With Lani and Wendy at Disney World, 1966
Fishing (I/II), 1970
Fishing (II/II), 1970
With his parents, Irma and Tom, and Lani
With Lani
On a Chick-Chick egg hunt with Tim
Christmas, 1976
Opening a present, 1980
With a TV
With Irma and Irene
At dinner with Chris and Marie, 1980
In winter, 1980
With Matthew
With Dan on the day he was born, 1983
At Dan’s baptism, 1983
As a new father, 1983 (I/II)
As a new father, 1983 (II/II)
Reading with Dan and friend
On a raft with Dan and friend
At Christmas (I/II)
At Christmas (II/II)
With Jerry and Sarah Rous
With Lani and Beth Ryder
Leading a group of UWSP students on trip abroad in London
In London
As coach of several YMCA youth sports teams
In Moscow, 1989
At Wendy and Thad’s wedding with Aloha
With the Cummings in Door County
With colleagues at UWSP
With Dave and Lynn Eckholm
As at work party
With the team that brought the Jacksonville Jaguars to Stevens Point, 1994
In County Clare, Ireland, 1995
In Santorini, Greece, 1997
In Costa Rica, 1998
Travelling to the Czech Republic, 1999
At SPASH Soccer Senior Day, 2001
At dinner with Lani and Dan at Simpson’s Restaurant, 2003
State Street Brats in Madison, 2005
With Bob and Mary Ann Fish
At dinner with Lani and Dan at Simpson’s Restaurant